lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

An Article from the Guardian

This time, the topic is about an article from "The Guardian" news, related to something in our career. In this case, it´s related to politics.

I suppose the main issue these days in our Country are the elections. I found three articles about it, one about how Camila Vallejo´s elected for Congress, along with other leaders from the former “Student Movement” , another about the history involved  the "broken friendship" of Matthei and Bachelet fathers while in dictarship, an another about the elections itself in a predictional way. I chose this last one.

At the beggining they mention when the elections are, who´s favorite for winning and the main issue tried to solve in a new government (Constitutional reforms, narrowing the "worst income inequality in the OECD" and giving importance to educational reforms).

In this article, Michelle Bachelet is "considered a shoo-in”, taking as “the biggest question being whether she wins outright or needs to wait for a December runoff." 

It also describes the "Nueva Mayoría" pact, telling that its political spectrum is from Communists to "moderate" Chistians Democrats.

They even talk about the age of the two main female candidates, mentioning only other two by names, but considerating the all nine candidates as an obstacle for a wining in the pools without a runoff.

It´s also said the difficults to Matthei for winning, considerating her “penchant for off-the-cuff expletives”, her short campaing and her father´s role in dictatorship.

In this piece of news it´s said that the elections are also about Congress (120 lower seats and some of the Senator seats) but nothing about the Regional Council, 1st time chosen by citizens.

At the end, it´s mentioned that the only pool that matters is that day´s., something certainly taken form Matthei´s speech, as a response for the recent poll of likely voters wich "suggested Bachelet may get the votes she needs for a first round victory".

martes, 12 de noviembre de 2013

Blog 6: Voting

I am definitely gonna vote for this elections, because I want to colaborate in a way to try to change our actual situation as a country
I think voting is something we must do as citizens, because it´s one of the multiple ways to make changes. Some people say that changes are made only in the street, I think we have to use the institutional way too.
Also, for people who don´t give a damn about politics (something I disagree by the way), it´s a good opportunity to check out all the different ideas from the candidates, making a balance of it and giving an informed vote.
On the other hand, I think electoral campaings are quite wrong considerating the focus. The electoral system is quite unfair for independents or any other political party out of the two big sectors . Also, is way to much money overspent.
To run for a public positition, I think a person must have probity in the first place, As well as the person has to know a lot of people, having a kind of a "social network" for some sort. But the most important thing for my point of view is the persistence to get the goals, asociated to resiliency, to manage to maintain in the circle, because that kind of job is hard, considerating the lot of pressure involved.
These years I´ve got the impression that we actually don´t value enough the importance of voting, something impossible to do years ago (specially after the "coup d'état" while dictatorship). It´s one of the most important ways to manifest our thoughts about politics.
I´ve never thought about becoming a politician, but I think I would have some skills for that, but I´m afraid I lack what I consider most important for the post, also I guess any political position is something you have to be involved with for 24-7... I just couldn´t handle it
In my district, as any other, we need to focus in the importance given to politics in the first place. Political matters, although considered boring, are very important parts of our lives, so we must leave the "I don´t believe in politicians" or the "no matter who´s elected, I have to work tomorrow" ideas behind, because elections are quite important in our lives.
There are four different kinds of voting this Sunday (for senator, congressman, regional council and president), so voting right now is more important than any other times.

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

blog 5: Music bands

  In my experience, bands considered as “favorites” lasts for some time. Also, some music styles fits quite well in different situations. I suppose it helps us to relax, to dance, to sing, to dedicate to other people, even to release anger. Music in general definitely rocks.
At least to me, I have been in different stages in my music interest. During my whole childhood I remember to listen to many kinds of music styles, because in my house, the radio used to be turn on all day long.

  Nevertheless, based in the number of songs I enjoy listening to, my favorite band would be Mothorhead.


  They play rock music, related to heavy metal. I don´t know much about them, but I can tell this English band has a large career though, they were formed during the 80s and they are still active in the present. Its lead singer, also bassist and songwriter is known as Lemmy Kilmister.


 I choose this band mainly because I like every single song I listen to, even if I don´t know it. This band has managed to make some sort of a formula applied on all of their songs. For some people that may be considered as a bad thing, but to me, it´s freaking awesome.

  My favorite song is “Ace of Spades”, because it´s the first song I listened from this group. Also, it reminds me of a concert in 2011 when I was with my bro, waiting for that particular song because it´s actually his favorite from that band too, although it may not be his favorite music band.

  I suppose all of the music artists can be considered as bands, because even if it´s focused on the singer sometimes, there´s always a whole music group on it … at least I´d say the singers are never doing it all on their own.