lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2013

An Article from the Guardian

This time, the topic is about an article from "The Guardian" news, related to something in our career. In this case, it´s related to politics.

I suppose the main issue these days in our Country are the elections. I found three articles about it, one about how Camila Vallejo´s elected for Congress, along with other leaders from the former “Student Movement” , another about the history involved  the "broken friendship" of Matthei and Bachelet fathers while in dictarship, an another about the elections itself in a predictional way. I chose this last one.

At the beggining they mention when the elections are, who´s favorite for winning and the main issue tried to solve in a new government (Constitutional reforms, narrowing the "worst income inequality in the OECD" and giving importance to educational reforms).

In this article, Michelle Bachelet is "considered a shoo-in”, taking as “the biggest question being whether she wins outright or needs to wait for a December runoff." 

It also describes the "Nueva Mayoría" pact, telling that its political spectrum is from Communists to "moderate" Chistians Democrats.

They even talk about the age of the two main female candidates, mentioning only other two by names, but considerating the all nine candidates as an obstacle for a wining in the pools without a runoff.

It´s also said the difficults to Matthei for winning, considerating her “penchant for off-the-cuff expletives”, her short campaing and her father´s role in dictatorship.

In this piece of news it´s said that the elections are also about Congress (120 lower seats and some of the Senator seats) but nothing about the Regional Council, 1st time chosen by citizens.

At the end, it´s mentioned that the only pool that matters is that day´s., something certainly taken form Matthei´s speech, as a response for the recent poll of likely voters wich "suggested Bachelet may get the votes she needs for a first round victory".

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