viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2013

blog 5: Music bands

  In my experience, bands considered as “favorites” lasts for some time. Also, some music styles fits quite well in different situations. I suppose it helps us to relax, to dance, to sing, to dedicate to other people, even to release anger. Music in general definitely rocks.
At least to me, I have been in different stages in my music interest. During my whole childhood I remember to listen to many kinds of music styles, because in my house, the radio used to be turn on all day long.

  Nevertheless, based in the number of songs I enjoy listening to, my favorite band would be Mothorhead.


  They play rock music, related to heavy metal. I don´t know much about them, but I can tell this English band has a large career though, they were formed during the 80s and they are still active in the present. Its lead singer, also bassist and songwriter is known as Lemmy Kilmister.


 I choose this band mainly because I like every single song I listen to, even if I don´t know it. This band has managed to make some sort of a formula applied on all of their songs. For some people that may be considered as a bad thing, but to me, it´s freaking awesome.

  My favorite song is “Ace of Spades”, because it´s the first song I listened from this group. Also, it reminds me of a concert in 2011 when I was with my bro, waiting for that particular song because it´s actually his favorite from that band too, although it may not be his favorite music band.

  I suppose all of the music artists can be considered as bands, because even if it´s focused on the singer sometimes, there´s always a whole music group on it … at least I´d say the singers are never doing it all on their own.

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